The Bloodstone Bracelet is a striking piece of jewel that has 24 deep green 8mm beads with a hint of red two marks its energy and power. Bloodstone is widely referred to as the “Stone of Strength” and for millennia has been used to cleanse and invigorate the physical body. It can be worn by persons who wish to experience increased amount of determination and flexibility. This goes well with any dress code giving an element of sophistication while charging your day with earth energy. In whichever situation you want to transform, whether it is how you are conquering adversities in life of how you are finding a balance, the Bloodstone Bracelet is a highly symbolic accessory.
- Perks up the energy by eliminating exhaustion and gives the strength of courage.
- Improves operational durability, tenacity, and choice-making.
- The activity also brings about physiologic recovery and restoration of emotional well being.
Weight: Approx. 20–30 grams.
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